Literary Work

Howard has written many books to engage those navigating through life on their personal journey. There is a variety of self help, leadership and daily inspirational writings to choose from. 

All titles are available for purchase on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Click on the images below to purchase from Amazon.


If you desire to be the best leader you can possibly be then this book is for you. Leadership Lessons Learned is written to firm up the foundations that many leaders work so hard to accomplish in their lives yet so often neglect. Sought after for his ability to impart leadership skills in the healthcare industry, author Howard Lull presents building blocks necessary to maintain and strengthen the investment that you as a leader desire to earn. The building blocks are provided to stimulate thought and provide affirmation of your experiences. Author Howard Lull lives the motto of "taking the time to do the hard things and doing them right." Your confidence will grow as you see how he has walked the walk of building a life of leadership and invests in you and your career the same lessons that have proven to be successful.



There are a lot of us who include God in what we are doing but even fewer of us who are involved in what he is actually doing. Unless the Lord Builds the House was written to refresh you and inspire you to turn to the Master Builder of life and learn how to relate to Him as well as learning what the Master Builder expects. Many practical tools were added to help you build a strong foundation for your life and career.



The scriptures show that God, Our Heavenly Father, has been continually reaching out to His creation and loves to spend time with us. Coffee with God was written to spur you into action by thinking of your relationship with the Father: He is so much more loving than you know and understand, and He desires to spend time with you. He won't judge you; He will love you and understand you. He isn't boring-He is the creator! Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and a two-way conversation with your Heavenly Father as you allow your thoughts to be inspired while having Coffee with God.



Autumn Breeze is book two in the popular Coffee with God series. Written to help readers reassess their relationships with God, Autumn Breeze picks up where Coffee with God left off. Howard encourages readers to turn their eyes toward a loving Heavenly Father whose eyes are always turned upon his children. Relax in His presence, and enjoy a steaming cup of coffee.



Do you desire to be the best leader you can possibly be? "Leadership Lessons Learned" is written as a guide to firm up the foundation that leaders work so hard to accomplish during their lives and often times neglect. Author Howard Lull presents building blocks necessary to maintain and strengthen the investment that you as a leader desire to earn. The building blocks are provided to stimulate thought and provide affirmation of your experiences. Author Howard Lull lives the motto of "taking the time to do the hard things and doing them right." Your confidence will grow as you see how he has walked the walk of building a life of leadership and invests in you the reader to be able to do the same.



Gain insights into bringing focus and order into your life! This book provides valuable tools to enlighten your path as you journey through life seeking to become the person God has designed you to be.